| axlAbstractCurveNurbs (void) |
virtual | ~axlAbstractCurveNurbs (void) |
| axlAbstractCurveBSpline (void) |
virtual | ~axlAbstractCurveBSpline (void) |
virtual int | countControlPoints (void) const |
virtual int | knotVectorSize (void) const |
virtual int | order (void) const |
virtual int | numCoefs () const |
virtual bool | rational (void) const |
virtual double | startParam (void) |
virtual double | endParam (void) |
virtual void | setCurve (int pointsCount, int order, int dimension, double *knots, double *points, bool rational) |
virtual axlPoint | closestPoint (const axlPoint &pt) |
virtual double | closestParameter (const axlPoint &pt) |
virtual Sample | sampling (int n) |
virtual void | insertKnot (double k) |
virtual void | removeKnot (double k) |
virtual axlPoint | getCoef (int n) const |
virtual bool | setCoef (int n, double *controlPoint) |
virtual double | getKnot (int n) const |
virtual QString | printCoeffs (bool print) const |
virtual QString | printKnotsVector (bool print) const |
virtual double | getWeight (int n) const |
virtual void | updateRcoeff () |
virtual QString | description (void) const |
virtual bool | connectionsAreDefined (void) |
| Return true if control points connections were defined by developers. False if there are default connections visualization. More...
virtual QList< int > | getControlPointConnection (int i) |
| The list returned contains all indices of coefficients that are still to be connected to the ith coefficient. More...
virtual void | defineControlPointConnection (int i, int j) |
| Define connection between the ith and the jth coefficient. More...
virtual void | resetControlPointConnections (void) |
| Removes all control point connections. More...
QVariantList | convertDataToQVariant (void) const |
| Convert an axlAbstractData into a QVariantList that specifies all properties of the axlAbstractData. More...
int | convertQVariantToData (const QVariantList &data) |
| Modify properties and geometry variables of the axlAbstractData. Return 1 if the modification was sucessfully made. Otherwise return 0. More...
virtual void | selectIndex (int i) |
| axlAbstractCurveParametric (void) |
virtual | ~axlAbstractCurveParametric (void) |
virtual axlPoint | eval (double u) |
virtual void | eval (axlPoint *point, double u) |
virtual axlMesh | eval (double u, int derivs, bool from_right=true) |
double | parameterOf (const axlPoint &p) |
virtual double | length (double tolerance) |
virtual int | numSamples (void) |
virtual void | setNumSamples (int numSamples) |
const int & | samples (void) const |
| axlAbstractCurve (void) |
virtual | ~axlAbstractCurve (void) |
virtual int | dimension (void) const |
virtual bool | isPlanar (void) const |
virtual void * | curve (void) |
| axlAbstractData (axlAbstractData *parent=NULL) |
| axlAbstractData (const axlAbstractData &data) |
virtual | ~axlAbstractData (void) |
const QColor & | color (void) const |
const double & | opacity (void) const |
const double & | size (void) const |
const QString & | shader (void) const |
const bool & | editable (void) |
const bool & | updateView (void) |
void | setColor (double r, double g, double b) |
void | addField (axlAbstractField *field) |
| Add a field to the field list of the object. More...
bool | updateFieldList (QString nameField) |
| Check if a field with the same name is already applied on the object. More...
QString | changeFieldName (QString fieldName) |
axlMesh * | mesh (void) |
| Return the mesh of that object is computed. More...
void | setMesh (axlMesh *mesh) |
| Set a corresponding mesh for that object. More...
void | setUpdateView (bool updateView) |
QList< axlAbstractField * > | fields (void) |
Definition at line 28 of file axlAbstractCurveNurbs.h.